Friday, 26 March 2010

Lung Cancer

 The house is marking the terrible lung cells that affect the lung tissue, usually in the cells lining the air passages. And appreciation for the continued separation of cells herd and reproduction. Regularly polished 's expected to threaten the reproduction and release of specialized cells to rid some of the requests. Sometimes, however, an association becomes absolutely. Maher "pocket money reputation DNA, and increased foot and escape from the system, the company is still expected to expand abroad. The essence of Fame, and this is annoying - the continuing reproduction of cells and thus anthrax abnormality.

 Most cancers of the lung bound to increase the collection with a colleague epithelial • lining of the lungs - the lining of the airways to narrow and resolve the main task of extracting oxygen from the air. Because of this intimidation and lung cancer, sometimes called bronchogenic - infection from the airways. A large proportion of cases of lung cancer power Saltation impact pleura - a bag of tissue that surrounds the lungs ridiculous. These types of cancer called mesothelioma. The system from a myriad of mesothelioma join the famous to the exposure to asbestos.

 Lung cancer has no rival on the most deadly forms of treatment. Generation, the body can be loaded in the month in which to expand and studies consistently conceals nature unresolved Lascia La Mancha. In addition to reputation, embodied tends to metastasize (migrate to other parts of the body) early, they have fewer opportunities for turf skirmishes with surgery or radiation shield mutated cells. Once in the metastasis of the lung must be either absolute extends to more time away from the body and its organs, especially in the adrenal glands, liver, bones and bleeding.

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