Friday, 26 March 2010

Cancer and Oncogenes

 More than 100 different types of cancer clinical onliest recognized with each group of symptoms that require a specific course of treatment. Finishes are four sets of the dominance of majority groups.
 Leukemia 's

 Leukemia 's:
 There are a number of abnormal cells, Ash (white cells) is the spirit that produced by the bone.

 There are a number of abnormal lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells) produced by the spleen and lymph nodes.

 Solid tumors derived from the full agreement with the embryonic connective tissue, cartilage, bone, muscle and fat.

 Increase in solid tumors of epithelial tissue, and the darkest form of cancer, and epithelial tissue is the wall inner surfaces and an independent body and its derivatives, and many of the skin, nerves and glands, breasts, coating systems and the respiratory, digestive, urinary and genital systems.

 The cancer has the main characteristics, meaning that Metastasis:
 I do not claim they experience the malignant cells to get rid of the tumor and the installation of a tumor in the vicinity of the hotel and contemporary art.

 Withdrawal of the late 1900's in "a number" of each of the leukemia 'If the sarcomas brand of chicken showed the performance caused by viruses. However, due to old age and the abundance of these results were not faithful to the cause of cancer in humans, too, did not show any cancer, infectious rights to buy, and did not see a reaffirmation of the virus causing the disease.

 Both DNA and RNA viruses maintain the implementation of the State if the cancer can be considered animal-like, and strength of these animals, cells become damaged, resulting in the formation of the leadership of the tumor. trabujades tumor - oncogenic viruses of late called viruses.

 And oncogenes, viruses and cancer:
 Oncogenes (oncogenes query to a cluster or tumor Greek) was originally especially now that genetic elements (genome sequence) of the viruses used by the malignant transformation of host cells.

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