Friday, 26 March 2010

Asbestos Cancer

 Mesothelioma is a shadow of the cell membrane of five cavities of the human body: in the Pericardium (sac about love), pleura (around the lungs), peritoneum (surrounding the abdominal cavity), scrotum (within the scrotum), and the fame of the decay men / reproductive organs of the Interior. At a certain point, is a thin layer of epithelial cells surrounding the cavities self mesodermal more important.

 Mesotelio membrane is derived from Mesoderm chairman of the cavity of the fetus, which develops a layer of cells that surround and protect the most of the Interior. Mesotelio show sites occupied two types: mesotelio visceral closely surrounds the device and the wall mesotelio "bag" lining of the cavity.

 Proteins and the juice of the serosa issued between the two layers Mesotelio generation slippery secretion of lubricants to provide for good movement of the bodies, and love to see double-pulse, aware of the peristaltisme lungs and intestines. Lubrication allows sliding devices are sensitive within the cavity.

 Mesothelioma cancer is a disease that causes abnormal growth and cell division mesotelio. Was extended pocket of confidence and damage to tissues and air conditioning and rap, in addition to the cancer cells from their town to other parts of the body. Marks the beginning particularly tumor peritoneal cavity. More than 90% of cases of mesothelioma associated with exposure to asbestos screen. Non-smoking floors collected from exposure to asbestos to a significant increase in the person 's risk of developing mesothelioma.

 Determine the 20th century many people were exposed to asbestos in itself does not know is the essence of a stable. Asbestos metal silicate company is famous for the chemical composition - and heat - resistance and electricity - in performance. That asbestos was used widely in the faith on the importance and usefulness common until 1980, when the European Union and many developed countries have banned the heart out of reach. When ingested or inhaled asbestos support mandatory direction of the waves of energy toxic habitus rights may affect the development of a number of diseases, faith, reconciliation and asbestosis and mesothelioma (cancer mesotelio), lung cancer and gastric cancer, colon cancer and rectal diseases and poles.

 Mesothelioma (more due to the announced "asbestos cancer") is a very modest asbestos - related cancers. And mesotelio is the lining of the cavity of a specific cell of the human body. Mesothelioma can flourish and reach the lung and abdomen and scrotum, the sac from the cavities of the heart, and four types of AD. Be called the pleura, peritoneum, testis, and pericarditis. Processing 70 percent of cases of pleural mesothelioma is a source of influence.

 Up to 3000 cases of malignant mesothelioma registered importance of the United States every second. Mesothelioma is often diagnosed at a later stage of 20-50 senilitat symptoms develop very close to the initial exposure to asbestos. Accumulated diagnostic base outside of time is that the symptoms of mesothelioma (ie, bending from the chest, persistent coughing, short in high spirits, fatigue, fever, etc.) seem less serious and model clauses, fully trabujades influenza.

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